Rainy days make me feel so giddy! The flickering rain drops are beautiful and cute, and I love to wear my favorite rain coat out.
As you can guess, the theme for her style is rain.
Her main colors are a pop blue and orange. Her dress features a cute cloud shaped collar with embroidered droplets coming down from them.
Her translucent raincoat has a white base with a colorful water drop pattern on the top half, and a light blue lower half.
The ink blue lining and pink buttons are extremely cute!
Her accessories are a ink blue hair ribbon, white tights, and red boots with a ink blue sole.
Her face type is Radiance+, and her face color is fair (natural skin).
Her honey blonde perm is cut into a short bob, and her make up consists of brown eye shadow, salmon pink cheeks, and pink lips.
One of the front facing eye colors is a special yellow green color.

【Facetype】 Radiance+
【Skintype】 Fair (natural skin)
【Make up】 Eyeshadow:Light Brown / Lips:Pink / Cheeks:Salmon Pink
【Eye color】Yellow green (front, special color), pink (right), orange (front), green (left)
【Hair color】Honey blonde
【Eye lids】default
【Eye lashes】default
【Set includes】Doll, dress, raincoat, ribbon, boots, tights, shorts, stand
On sale: May 20th, 2016 (fri)
Price: ¥17,000 (without tax)
*All details are subject to change.