
Alice-inspired clothing from “Dear Darling Fashion for Dolls” produced by Junie Moon is now available!

Alice in Wonderland is eternally popular, and this Alice-inspired dress set and Alice-printed one-piece are available in a variety of colors and patterns.


The Alice set dress is made of a cute, light-blue gingham fabric.

There is also a handsome Alice motif gold charm on the collar.

If you remove the apron, you’ve revealed another aspect of Alice!

There is both Neo and Midi sizes so you can dress them the same.


The shirt dress is printed with cute Alice motifs!

White rabbit, teacups, dodo...

This refreshing one-piece is perfect for summer...




Dear Darling fashion for dolls

Gingham Alice Set

22cm doll size


Set includes: dress, apron, hair band

Price: 6,380 yen (price without tax: 5,800 yen)




Dear Darling fashion for dolls

Gingham Alice Set

20cm doll size


Set includes: dress, apron, hair band

Price: 5,280 yen (price without tax: 4,800 yen)




Dear Darling fashion for dolls

Alice print shirt dress

22cm doll size


Set includes: Dress

Price: 3,190 yen (price without tax: 2,900 yen)




Doll and shoes are not included.

Release date: July 15 (Sat)